A wrestler, a comedian and a comicbook writer walk into a podcast recording studio, no not the beginning of a bad joke but the week ahead of interviews. I will announce on Friday who these exciting interviewees are but let me say I am thrilled to welcome them to the show.
This week alone there may be between 3 and 7 interviews recorded so it will be a busy busy week for yours truly and if/when these other interviews are in the can I will let all you guys know about it first.
On Saturday 11th we have part 1 of the 2 part interview with legandary comicbook writer and creator of 2000AD Pat Mills. I had a wonderful time chatting to the great man about all things comic related and otherwise.
In other non podcast related news I attended Glasgow Comic-Con this weekend with my wife where I had the pleasure of meeting Sean Phillips (the artist of The Fade Out, Fatale, Marvel Zombies) Alan Grant (the writer of Strontium Dog, Detective Comics, Judgement on Gotham) and Mark Millar ( the writer of kick-Ass, Civil War, The Secret Service) It was a great weekend and left me with pondering if I would like to do a recording of the show from an arts festival, comic-con, film festival in the future. If that is something you would like to attend or listen to get in touch at thedrewcarsonshow@outlook.com, on the show's facebook page at:
www.facebook.com/thedrewcarsonshow in the comments section below or hit me up on twitter @thedrewcarson.
I would like to thank everyone for their kind words regarding the Q&A episode of the podcast it meant a lot to me that you guys beared with the show and for reaching out afterwards. I would also like to say thank you for all the cool requests for more info on my novel. I am hoping to publish before the end of the year but have around a third still to write. Weeks like this one take time away from writing but in a good way and I just need to become better at time management. I will do a reading from the novel down the road when I am closer to publishing and will keep you posted on the progress of the novel.
I would also like to give a big shout out to all the new listeners who have come aboard of late. The last 4 episodes have all had super download numbers and the show seems to have grown a solid core listener base and I will strive to continue to get interesting and diverse guests. If there is a special guest you would love to hear give me a shout out and I will strive to bring you that episode. better yet give that celebrity a shout out on twitter, facebook or any other social media source, if they get enough tweets and messages they will know the show has a loyal audience and that will go a long way to bringing them to the virtual studio.